Culture, Tourism: communication, promotion and promotion

Program Guide

7 April 2025
340 hours/5 months
5 units ects


Eleni Gavra
Professor Department of V.S.A.S. University of Macedonia


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The Training and Lifelong Learning Center of the University of Macedonia organizes a Training Program, entitled "Culture, Tourism: communication, promotion and promotion", lasting 340 hours which will take place through a synchronous and asynchronous distance learning platform.

Duration: 340 hours/5 months

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία εγγράφων: 07.04.2025

Discount policy: Not provided

Implementation: Distance synchronous and asynchronous distance learning

Certificate: Granted by K.E.DI.VI.M. of the University of Macedonia

Scientific Officer: Eleni Gavra, Professor – Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia

The Program is aimed at workers in the field of culture, in the tourism sector, at businesses concerned with the utilization and promotion of cultural heritage, as well as anyone who wishes to start a career related to the promotion and management of cultural heritage and tourism in general. Any previous experience in tourism and cultural heritage sectors will be highly valued.

The purpose of the program is to connect culture with tourism on the basis of promoting business activity. Tourism is the heavy industry of Greece, while on the other hand the culture and history of the country are basic conditions for the strengthening of tourism and especially, its alternative forms.

Today, it is increasingly becoming imperative to connect theoretical approaches to culture with their practical application in the field of tourism, aiming at the creation of innovative cultural activities.

The program offers specialist knowledge to people working in the cultural and tourism sectors and gives knowledge to understand the current state of the cultural industry. In addition, it examines the business perspective and the promotion of the cultural product and helps participants develop their critical thinking in managing contemporary issues relevant to their professional field, advancing the development of the possibilities offered by culture

The learning objectives of the programme are:

·at the level of knowledge to know the basic concepts of highlighting, promoting and managing cultural heritage and for the organization and promotion of tourism

·at the level of skills to understand the importance and dynamics of cultural heritage management and to be able to apply methods and techniques for its promotion

·at the level of attitudes to present the different aspects and dimensions of cultural heritage and to support the philosophy of the modern way of highlighting it through the promotion of innovative tourism products

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